Pulao. Pulao Rice . How to make Pulao Rice

Your Qsr Expert
2 min readMay 26, 2021


Pulao. Pulao Rice . How to make Pulao Rice

FELLOW OR POOLOO. Pulao. Pulao Rice . How to make Pulao Rice.

Pellows are purely Hindoostanee dishes. There are several kinds of pellow, but some of them are so entirely of an Asiatic character and taste that no European will ever be persuaded to partake of them. It is therefore considered useless to offer instructions how to prepare such as the ukhnee -pellow, in which are introduced cream, milk, butter- milk, garlic, and lime-juice ; or the sweet pellow, in which almonds and raisins are introduced, in addition to sugar, &c.

The following are the pellows in general use :

Chicken Pellow / Pulao.

Take a good-sized chicken ; clean, truss, and boil it with one pound of beef in two cupfuls of clean water, seasoning it with onions, ginger, and salt. When sufficiently cooked, but yet quite firm, remove the chicken, and set it and the gravy aside. Cut up twelve onions lengthways into fineslices. Warmyourpot; thenmeltinittwochittacksorfourounces of ghee, and, as it bubbles, tlirow in the sliced onions and fry to a light brown ; remove and set aside. Then put in half a pound, or a coonkee, of the best bassrauttee or cheeneesuckur, having drained away all the water in which it was washed, and fry. On the rice absorbing the ghee, throw in a few cloves, four or hve cardamoms, half a dozen srnall sticks of cinnamon, some peppercorns, a blade or two of mace, and one dessert- spoonful of salt.

For more details visit https://www.qsrexpert.in/2021/05/pulao-pulao-rice-how-to-make-pulao-rice.html



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